Custom Injection Molding

Ilion, New York, United States
27 Pleasant Ave.

Our Lighter Side

Welcome to Acorn Products Corp.'s Blog. This is our somewhat occasional blog that really doesn't have a whole lot to do about business!!! You find pictures or a current event or may-be even a joke. This is our take on the lighter side of life! Enjoy.......

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Squirrel News"

Being an avid fan of squirrels, (I can't imagine why) in the last week I have had two encounters with them that I would like to share with you, I managed to catch them both on camera. This first one is "truly" our mascot, it likes to sit on top of the utility pole just outside of our front door. I first realized it sat up there when I went to put mail in our mailbox one morning. I kept hearing this "crunch,crunch, crunch" and looked around to see where it was coming from. I finally looked up and there it was on top of the pole having a snack. I quickly ran and got the camera and it obliged me by sitting there long enough to take a picture. We have yet to name our mascot but it visits on a regular basis.

 My second encounter was the same day, I was sitting out on my patio and I heard that familiar "crunch, crunch, crunch", I looked up on my neighbor's roof and what did I see but these two baby squirrels enjoying a little snack. So once again I quickly ran for the camera and snapped their picture. I took the camera back  in the house and when I got back outside I looked up and to my surprise there where now a total of "four" baby squirrels on the roof. I ran for the camera again but was not able to get a clear picture of all four of them. Needless to say they have been quite a source of entertainment.

Just thought I would add, the neighbor is not pleased that he has
a family of squirrels nesting under his porch roof!

Hope you enjoy my "squirrel news"

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