Custom Injection Molding

Ilion, New York, United States
27 Pleasant Ave.

Our Lighter Side

Welcome to Acorn Products Corp.'s Blog. This is our somewhat occasional blog that really doesn't have a whole lot to do about business!!! You find pictures or a current event or may-be even a joke. This is our take on the lighter side of life! Enjoy.......

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-based Blood Vessels

It sounds like something from a science fiction movie but researchers at Europe's largest application-oriented research organization, Fraunhofer, say they are developing an additive manufacturing technique suitable for making blood vessels from polymers.

To read the complete article click on the title post.

Monday, September 12, 2011

We found this article to be interesting!

There seems to be some good news for manufacturers in the United States. Plastics News has recently published an article that states the return of manufacturing to the US will accelerate as companies take into account the full costs of outsourcing to China and strategic advantages of making products closer to consumers in North America.

To read the full article please click on the title post above!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We would like to dedicate this post to those who lost their lives on 9/11/2001

Governor Cuomo today unveiled the 9/11 remembrance flag that will fly at Ground Zero and in Albany. The forty yellow stars represent the victims aboard Flight 93. They are, as you can see, wrapped around a pentagon, and two columns representing the towers.